5 Steps To Minimise & Repair Flood Damage

When dealing with flood damage repair it’s always best to call in the professionals. However there are several ways in which you can help yourself in the mean time. In this article I will discuss how you can limit the damage of floods that have already occurred and how you can prepare yourself against future ones.

1:Create A Flood File:

Firstly you should create a file which lists all of your belongings that have been damaged or destroyed by the flood. This is particularly helpful when dealing with insurance companies as they will request a dossier before they do their own assessments. Pictures of all your possessions in all of your rooms should be in this file to further speed things up. This file should be kept in a watertight container so the documents themselves won’t be damaged in the event of a flood.

2: Turn Off The Electricity:

If the flood has already happened it’s very important that you get your electricity turned off. Water and electricity are a dangerous mix and not taking preventive actions could cause a very serious accident.

3: Remove The Water

Your next step is to try and remove as much of the flood water as possible. This can be done in many ways such as a pump or a wet vacuum. If there is too much water for you to do this with you may need to call the professionals in to make use of our hydraulic pumps as they do the job more efficiently.

4: Start The Cleanup Operation

Once you have all of the flood water removed you need to take action against mould and mildew. They thrive in damp conditions and can wreak havoc on your property if not stopped early. To do this you should scrub the floors and walls with warm soapy water with a scrubbing brush and rinse over everything when you are done. Then spray mildewcide or disinfectant over the affected areas. If mildew takes hold it can cause serious health problems such as respiratory issues so it must be stopped at all costs. If there is any moisture left in the walls or the air it will grow like wildfire, so to avoid this you need a dehumidifier to dry out the air and also keeping the windows open to air it out isn’t a bad idea.

5: Call The Professionals:

If you want to be sure that all of this is done correctly it’s probably best to call an expert to come to your property as flood damage can get out of hand very quickly and it can feel like an impossible task to rescue your property. Acting fast is paramount with flood damage and we have all the necessary resources and tools to help you get back to where you were before the flood.